Our Mission on this site is to educate Real Estate Agents on how to sell more homes.

What Separates Good Agents from Great Ones

  • What Separates Good Agents from Great Ones

    Here’s what separates the best real estate agents from the rest.

The Importance of Client Video Testimonials

  • The Importance of Client Video Testimonials

    A few fantastic reasons why you should be using client video testimonials.

2 Pricing Strategies That Have Served Me Well

  • 2 Pricing Strategies That Have Served Me Well

    Two pricing strategies that have served me very well over the years.

3 Tips To Relieve Your Stress About the Market

  • 3 Tips To Relieve Your Stress About the Market

    Here are a few ways to gain some clarity in this hectic real estate market.

How Realtors Can Manage Their Time Better

  • How Realtors Can Manage Their Time Better

    Five tips to help you manage your time better as a real estate agent.

Proper Preparation Is Overrated

  • Proper Preparation Is Overrated

    Here’s why perfection is overrated, especially in the real estate business.